Sunday, July 13, 2008

Massive Warcraft Gold Blueprint

Admittedly, the best gear in the World of Warcraft really doesn't require much cash (other than a flying mount.) It requires time and effort. You go on many high end raids and finally get your rights to those nice purple drops, or you farm reputation with one or several factions and grab the rep gear for low prices, or you do endless battlegrounds or arena battles for gear that costs zero gold, just lost of points.

But even at the level (70) where you're doing all that stuff you'll want to pay for the repair bills, consumables, gear for alts, etc. Those enhancements for your uber arena gear don't come cheap, either.

While you're leveling up you might even be keeping an eye on the auction house for interesting items (such as that level 38 epic mace I just bought for my 39 Rogue.)

So you're going to have certain requirements for some pretty decent amounts of gold, even without the gear. Depending on your tastes and how many alts you're feeding (and twinking) you might even have a use for a massive amount of WoW gold.

That's where the Massive WoW Gold Blueprint comes in. You'll learn how to make Massive gold in WoW and you'll do it without turning your high level characters into farmers. Check it out.

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