Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Arcane Mage PvP Guide

Frost mages aren't the only ones who can do PvP, though they're the best set up for it. Arcane can do well, also, with some skill. People constantly complain about WoW being too easy, then they pick the "easy spec" and gear themselves to the teeth. Take a slightly more interesting route and go Arcane. You may find that you like it. Or... you might decide the other spec is the better (more fun) one. ;)

You can find part two of the Arcane Mage PvP video here:

World of Warcraft Arcane Mage Spec

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

World of Warcraft Elemental Shaman Guide for Cataclysm

How to Shaman

PvE guide, with rotations and explanations

World of Warcraft Elemental Shaman Guide for Cataclysm

Tycoon Gold Guide Review

In the world of Gold Guides for WoW Tycoon is a welcome change. Leveling guides have become in-game widgets/windows and now so has a gold guide.

Instead of looking up gathering/farming maps on a PDF or a website, Tycoon displays them on your main game map and on your mini-map, which makes it pretty easy to follow a route and get maximum gain from your collecting routines.

If you're a crafter then you'll soon be making a lot more gold. Tycoon looks at the Auction House and builds a list of items that will sell and makes an estimate of costs and profits. If you buy your mats on sale or gather them yourself then the costs might be a lot lower.

If you like to play the AH and do Dailies, like I do, then you're golden for the AH. The Daily modules are in the queue and, according to the authors, will be here very soon.

Check out the full review: Tycoon Addon Guide Review

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Fire Mage Guide, for Cataclysm

The Fire mage isn't normally the Mage PvP spec, Frost is, but click the link to see the video below and the link below that for a Fire mage guide.

World of Warcraft- Fire Mage PvP Beginner's Tutorial Guide ft ...

World of Warcraft- Fire Mage PvP Beginner's Tutorial Guide ft. Hansol (Shatter Spec) [4.1]. May 5th, 2011 by Joe. ATTENTION!: THE WMG MP3 music file played in background is not owned by me. It's finally here! The guide you've all been ...

Publish Date: 05/05/2011 3:52


The Fire Mage Guide, for Cataclysm

Monday, May 9, 2011

Subtlety Rogue PvP in 4.1

Here's a nice PvP video of a Subtlety Rogue cleaning up the opposition.

85 Sub Rogue PvP Patch 4.1
Rhéya - 85 Blood Elf Rogue 10/0/30 Subtlety Rogue Arena Partner: Xmagia - 85 Undead Mage Server: Lightning's Blade US Music: Devolution of Sound - Jason Kim Filmed on the First day of Patch 4.1 Only add-on is Bartender

Subtlety Rogue basics

Holy Paladin Healing in WoW 4.1

The Holy Paladin is a powerful healer, but it's not a class that you can just jump into. You have to pick the right talents, keep any eye on your Mana, and also manage your Holy Power points. Then there are your various other abilities...

These two videos will give you a good start to being a better Holy Pally

Part 1

Holy Paladin Healing for Cataclysm 4.1 Part 1 - Talents
Character Name: Deatheron Server: Blackrock If you are having trouble healing with holy and would like me to take a look at your character leave you details in the comment section below. Part 1 - Talents - www.youtube.com Part 2 - Rotation - www.yout...

Part 2

Holy Paladin Healing for Cataclysm 4.1 Part 2 - Rotation
Character Name: Deatheron Server : Blackrock If you are having trouble healing with holy and would like me to take a look at your character leave you details in the comment section below. Part 1 - Talents - www.youtube.com Part 2 - Rotation - www.you...

So dust off your Holy Paladin and give healing a try.

Fire mage DPS

If you want to go the easy route, then play a frost mage. Especially in PvP. The Fire Mage is for those who complain that "WoW is too Easy!" Fire can generate a lot of DPS and is going to take some work in PvP.

Are you up for he challenge? Here's a nice Fire Mage DPS video, which will show you some of the tricks to becoming a better burninator.

Fire Mage 4.1.0 Dps Rotation ( Level 85 ) HD
Riotx - US Gul'Dan ( No major changes to fire rotation from 4.0.3 to 4.0.6 to 4.1.0 . Rotation is still the same. ) Addons - CombustionHelper, Recount, Quartz Thanks for watching. Have fun!

If you're leveling a mage, then Fire is just fine.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Retribution Paladin in Cataclysm

The Retribution Paladin is an interesting mix between massive burst, decent survivability, and very good healing capability.

Check out this guide for PvP and PvE, including builds, rotations, macros, and more good stuff.

Retribution Paladin Guide for Cataclysm

Retribution PvP Video for 4.0.6

Thursday, May 5, 2011

World of Warcraft Cataclysm Discipline Priest Guide

The Discipline Priest is a fine healer, does damage, and can shield other players. Effective in PvP and PvE, the D Priest is a great choice for anyone wanting to play a healer class.

World of Warcraft Cataclysm Discipline Priest Guide